Vancouver albums
Flicker: Chad Makela Quartet album, more from Paul Rushka
Following up on my interview with Paul: a scene from the “director's cut” of the interview
Paying subscribers get an in-depth column from Will Chernoff on Fridays.
Vancouver albums
Following up on my interview with Paul: a scene from the “director's cut” of the interview
Live music
10 gigs, 1 grant, 1 album, 3 bandmates, many friends; here’s how I ran my 2022-23 trio
Live music
Sunday afternoon jazz at the Main Street neighbourhood pub launched in March with 2 shows
Live music
The next event in Tom's series at New Westminster's Anvil Theatre is Tuesday, March 21
Subscriber Fridays
I'm getting sentimental about the show, now that it's in its lame-duck session
Live music
Jonny and Braxton have remarkable artist similarities; the show is next Saturday, March 11
Live music
Karl talks about his recent Tyrant Studios, Lido, Jazz at the Bolt, and Pres House gigs
Live music
Tim talks about Jen Yakamovich's New Thing and the next show there, plus a new series
Subscriber Fridays
Reacting to, and opening up about, the meaning of burnout for artistic people like us
Live music
The saxophonist's chordless trio is the first set on Saturday; he tells us where he's at
Subscriber Fridays
From the first 6 months "in the business"
Subscriber Fridays
The 2023 festival is canceled, and the non-profit is thinking to dissolve for good.