Born on a Wednesday - From The Headwaters
I’m new to this band — but I’ll tell you right now, I’m in. Being a folkie at heart, I got into this sound right away.

Born on a Wednesday released their album From The Headwaters on September 22, 2021.
I’m new to this band — but I’ll tell you right now, I’m in. Being a folkie at heart, I got into this sound right away.
The group vocals are dynamic but real, the mandolin is sweet. You get that right away from track one, “Not Afraid”.
Singer-guitarist Jon Francis applied to Creative BC’s Amplify BC Career Development program last year. On behalf of the band, he wrote an application that won them $8,000.
It can’t hurt that they’re from Nelson — host to both great jazz artists and likeable folk bands, apparently. This grant program is one that seeks to help all the regions of our province.
I love a good blue note, like on the word wall in track two, “Broken Soul”.
When the band switches vocalists, it can be jarring, especially when the songs have no intros.
“The Dealer” has serious Wish You Were Here vibes. And title-wise, it’s uncanny how “49th Parallel” starts with a bit of Simon & Garfunkel “The 59th Street Bridge Song” energy.
This band is light on their feet, not launching into heavy ballads or rockers.
The gang vocal approach to background singing is charming, in my opinion. For some reason, I don’t feel the same way about some of the lead acoustic guitar work. It sounds a bit too in-the-room or soft.
But then on “Mirror” I do find that intro acoustic to be charming!
Alas, the mandolin is the highlight all the way through. Props to you, Trevor Reid.
Anyways, hi, Born on a Wednesday. It’s that day of the week, a week after you released, and I’m into it.