Just gigs
Checking in from summer vacation 2022
William Ross Chernoff—known as Will to friends and colleagues—is a musician who started Rhythm Changes in 2020.
Checking in from summer vacation 2022
Subscriber Fridays
Plus, we have over 50 updates to date
On August 3rd at 7:30pm, Caity Gyorgy performed in Kits
Album review: Boiling Point, by Gordon and the trio
Subscriber Fridays
How to move them?
Live music
Summer Reverse Update + Fort Langley Jazz Festival 2022
One of those extended episodes that goes to deep places
She just opened for the Lincoln Centre Orchestra in Montreal
Subscriber Fridays
All 10 albums for 2022: choose one, choose your own adventure
Live music
5 categories, 30 venues I'm seeing on the gig list right now
Releasing two fiddle albums in five weeks
Album review: classy, quietly intense and innovative quartet